Miles & Mountains

Navigating the Course with Brock.

Nick Episode 224
Life has a way of ushering us into the depths of introspection, especially when the calendar flips its pages to the end of the year. As I reconnected with a young man with a wise Ol’ soul, Brock Betzler, I found myself unraveling the complex tapestry of joy and burden that had woven itself into my life, leading to an impromptu pause in our regular podcast cadence. It wasn't burnout that halted the gears; rather, it was the realization that the constant whirlwind of busyness could overshadow the true treasures of life. In our latest episode, I offer a raw and honest reflection of this period, dissecting the internal debates that consumed me during a holiday season colored by personal trials and a profound heart-to-heart with Brock. 

Thank you all for the continued love and support. 

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Speaker 1:

How's it going, man?

Speaker 2:

it's going good yeah, it's going here too, man, it's. It's been a while. You know, I haven't seen you since december. Yeah, can't believe it. But since then, man, it's just been ever so changing.

Speaker 2:

And you know, for the first time in almost three years of this podcast, man, I actually took a break and I wasn't like it wasn't planned, it wasn't planned at all and it was one of those things you're like you're not burnt out, you're doing so much and you just question like, dude, this does bring joy or this doesn't bring joy, it does bring joy, so I want to continue. But then there's sometimes when it just brings so much joy, it's just busy on top of busy on top of busy, and it's hard to maintain that schedule. And I was putting them out. I was putting them out and hanging out with you in Vegas, hanging out with dad. You know pops and everything else, and you know understanding, like what it takes to. You know just, or you know just hearing some insight from a wise old man your dad, you know where you really put things from perspective.

Speaker 2:

And after Vegas, it took a week or two to recover after the less than 24 hours that I spent there, and so basically, with that, the holidays just got in my own head and like, okay, what should I do?

Speaker 1:

Gave you some time to reflect on everything.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, because I I always knew like it would become that time, but I didn't think it was going to be this rough or it had that's much of an impact on on me. And so after vegas and between new year's I got a call. I was like just curious, my dad wasn't doing so well and he's like very ill and surprised he's still around, to be honest with you. But I remember the day I was heading out to Hermiston to hang out with Hank III, hankinson III, and got the call that hey, dad's going to pass or whatever.

Speaker 2:

So I bought my ticket. That was weighing heavy on me, had a couple. I bought my ticket. That was, uh, weighing heavy on me, had a couple of beers with the third. That was good.

Speaker 2:

But talk to him about you know what. What should I do? Just asked him like man, should I continue? He's like, does it bring joy? I was like hell, yeah, it does. It's like then continue.

Speaker 2:

I was like okay, so got all that out, but then hit a dry spell, you know, and a lot of money, you know, was forked over just trying to get to Indiana. Well, yeah, indiana, but I had to travel to Chicago by myself. Indiana, well, yeah, indiana, but I had to travel to Chicago by myself, you know, drive from Chicago to, you know, outside of Indianapolis, and you know that's a lot of money, yeah. And so I was just like, okay, family and then training for this race that I didn't finish just recently, and just too, so much training, I sacrificed so much. I put everything to the side friendships, alcohol, believe it or not. For real, like before the race, I can count on one hand how many beers I had. Like, don't quote me on the whiskey Cokes. I could still, you know, count on a hand, on my other hand, with those.

Speaker 2:

But you know, I really sacrificed a lot and then it just came to realize, like the podcast will always be there, but I think it's time for just a little vacation. Yeah, a little reset. Yeah, I would say reset because, yeah, yeah, that's a good way to put it at reset because, man, I was just in it, in it, in it putting them out, not to care in the world, just putting them out. I did care, but it was just like too much and so went back, got back on it. January 30th was the last one that I put out since till today. I put out two today. I'll put yours out either tomorrow or the next day and this one out along with it. But you know, you know, I just couldn't believe how fast time went yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Well, it feels like just like yesterday we were in vegas right red clay strays having a grand old time.

Speaker 2:

Yeah yeah, that was a good old time man, but that was a good old time man, that was a good old time. But I mean, I sacrificed a lot. I think my wife understood, like, what I was going through, you know, with my dad my dad is passing because of that, you know, Just saw how he lived, Didn't know how he was living for the past 15 years because he was quite estranged, you know, and saw how he lived. And I was just know, and uh, saw how he lived and I was just like, dude, I do not want to live like that. So I put things to the side.

Speaker 2:

I'm continuing to put things to the side and, uh, just realize, man, how fortunate I am that, uh, you know I have a wife that I do and kids that I had. You know that I have in a job that I have. That dude, I wouldn't want to put anybody in that misery. Yeah, and cleaning up the mess my dad made for 15 plus years, 20 plus years, and knowing what he did and how he lived, it was just something that can't be repeated. You know what I mean. Yeah, yeah, and it sucks and the best way I can put it just say he never threw anything away.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

That's a hard one.

Speaker 1:

That's a hard one to pick everything up and go through, figure out what's important and what's not, and then come to find out.

Speaker 2:

You know, he was never on his A game on making sure things are taken care of. You know, yeah, you know uh was a power of attorney kind of thing. So we had to do all that still doing all that, you know, and cleaning up, a lot of cleaning up and, yeah, just a lot of things that I didn't want to do and um, so I put that to the side and it's been aching. So I put a lot of my time in my family and working out, or you know, the training for the race that I didn't finish, but I have multiple races coming up and that's what I got in in the grind to doing and and I I feel good Podcast is always there. You know the Instagram is there, but I just wasn't doing any podcasts, so I just didn't broadcast anything. I think I broadcast my, I think in the months was just me being a coach, which I'm very proud of, I think that was the only one.

Speaker 1:

I put yeah, and people that you've brought on that are out doing things. I've seen some stuff come through for that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. So so, talking to you, talking to third, you know, talking to third, and around new year's he was just like dude, it brings joy. Keep doing it. Okay, and then you know, I thought Justin Wells Dude. I couldn't believe I got Justin Wells on.

Speaker 1:

That was a good show.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I couldn't believe it, dude Furrow, having him on and having some of the guys that I've had on and have some of the opportunities that I have in the future, I'm not gonna go anywhere. I'm gonna continue to do it, but I'm not gonna make it a priority like I did, like I used to. I'll put in like 10 a month. I can't do it anymore.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's not sustainable, man and um, because I, I enjoy it, I, I do, and you come in here to the teacup studios, to, you know, get me out of my rut. I appreciate it, I thank you, but I need to get more of these instead of on computer, but no, it'd still be around. I'm just prioritizing a little smoothly, a little smarter, prioritizing a little smoothly, a little smarter, and because of that I found that rubbed people the wrong way. So be it, I'm going to continue to do what I do and, yeah, man, I appreciate every, I appreciate you believing in me and having this podcast or this episode happen, man, this one and the one before you know, solidify my game, the podcast game myself and the podcast game, if that makes sense.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's definitely. I know it's a lot of work getting into this and just editing and putting in all of your intros, outros. It takes hours and hours out of your day. I mean, we've been here what it's going on two hours now. So, um, and that was really for one episode, one episode. No I was just recording it and it's a lot of time and effort.

Speaker 2:

It is man. And then you know going in and if you're like a, you know perfectionist and going in and making sure you take care of all, you know the stuff people don't hear. That's time in itself. So, but no, man, I appreciate you, you know reaching out and getting me out of this funk, out of the rut that I call. I thought, you know, some of the earlier guests this year were going to help, but, dude, I was just stuck in training, training, training and staying away from what I don't want to become, my father and um, not bashing him. It's just saw a lot, learned a lot. Don't want to become that. And, uh, I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to meet up with me at the teacup studio and uh, you're always, always, you're always welcome, brock yeah, you're always welcome great place to be it's.

Speaker 1:

I appreciate it. So it's always a good conversation with good people, so thanks man, thanks.

Speaker 2:

So there you have it, guys. That that's the story and that's what I'm sticking to it. I mean shit, that is the story, and it's the truth. I stick to it, no matter what I live it. But yeah, I wanted to clear the air. I didn't want to clear the air on Instagram at all, because I don't want random people. This year. Because, dude, you go on. If you go on a reel or do live, it automatically turns into reel. And then the reel goes worldwide. And I don't want people, I didn't even know that yeah, dude, you don't want that.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, because I I don't do the lives, I die. I try not to do the lives because they go into reels and it mass produced and if somebody has something to say, they'll share and then people will talk bad about you you know, so yeah I. I wanted to utilize this time after our uh session and just clear there and where I'm at and what I've been doing.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, I mean take a break, it's very come back stronger than ever and I think that's where I'm at and definitely I appreciate you, man, and uh, you have to get a hold of your dad so you can rearrange some things.

Speaker 1:

All right, brock.

Speaker 2:

Well, thank you man, thank you for your time. Yeah, time's two. Keep at it, man.

Speaker 1:

And I know your support will always be there. We all like hearing them and I know that you'll have many more to come.

Speaker 2:

Thanks, brock. Yeah, we'll see you next time.